If you are like me, you appreciate how much more health conscious we have become over the past decade. The majority of the people I know are continually striving to find more ways of tapping into their mind, body and spirit to provide a greater sense of well-being.
I fully embrace that the mind, body and spirit connection can lead to greater health and can openly admit this took on a much greater meaning for me after I experienced a near fatal accident in 2001.
My continual focus on looking for ways that I can enhance my well-being and state of mind, I believe, has allowed me to make the most of my life and live each day to its fullest.
In this newsletter I wanted to share with you something that I began doing last year that has made a huge impact in this area of my life.
I’ve been excited about this for a while now and while I have been openly sharing it in my speaking engagements, I have held back in writing about it given it requires me to be open and vulnerable. After reflection, I feel now is the right time to share it as it has the potential to also help you, or at a minimum, generate enough intrigue that will make you want to learn more about it.
For transparency, I’d like to start off my stating I’m not a Doctor nor do I claim to be a medical or professional expert in this field. The views expressed here are my own based on my own experience and research. I make no claims or guarantees around any of the results that another person may experience based on what I have.
After sustaining a traumatic brain injury (TBI) I was left with cognitive deficits in my executive function. This refers to mental skills that are coordinated in the brain’s frontal lobe, such as memory, problem solving, etc. Since then, I have never stopped looking at ways I can improve my level of mental alertness, focus and concentration abilities. I’m pleased to say I have noticed great improvements over time and credit many things as having played a role in this, some of which include having made dietary changes and being a regular user of Lumosity.
Over the past several years I kept hearing alot of talk around essential oils and the positive effects that they can have. Being a bit of a skeptic, I never really put much into all the claims that were being made nor did I put much effort into researching it.
This all changed last year when I found out a friend who had sustained a TBI in 1999 had been using Frankincense oil for several years after noticing it reduced her “brain fog”, made her mind sharper and gave her greater clarity of focus which enables her to make quicker decisions.
After hearing this, I became interested to see what changes I may notice, and realizing I had nothing to lose and everything to gain, I started using it.
After a few short weeks I noticed amazing results.
I found it increased my ability to focus and concentrate, leading to clearer thought processes that were move fluid versus being scattered all over the place as they had been in the past. I also noticed my ability to be a more creative thinker and think outside the box had also remarkably improved.
With these results, I became interested in exploring other oils to see what other benefits I may be able to achieve and found several that have helped me deal with chronic pain, give me a sense of relaxation and calmness (reducing stress!) and help me get a more restful sleep. For over a month I have also been testing out another oil called Brain Power and have noticed similar results to what I have described for Frankincense.
What are Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils?
Essential oils are the volatile liquids that are distilled from plants, including their respective parts such as seeds, bark, leaves, stems, flowers, fruit, roots, etc. The level of purity and therapeutic value of an oil is closely tied its chemical constituents, which can be affected by such things as the soil from which the plant was grown, the soil condition, fertilizer (organic or chemical) climate, distillation process, etc. Essential oils have been around for thousands of years with 188 references in the bible.
Where can you find out more information?
The Reference Guide for Essential Oils is a very thorough guidebook that outlines the benefits over 100 pure therapeutic essential oils. It lists the properties and includes an in-depth index that allows you to find what the suggested oil is for whatever ailment you may be interested in addressing.
For example, with spring just around the corner, some of you may be bracing for an onslaught of watery eyes and sneezing once pollen becomes present. After doing a quick search on this in the guidebook I noticed lavender is one of a few oils that are recommended that could possibly alleviate some of these symptoms.
Dr. Joseph Mercola, a well respected osteopathic physician and author of 3 New York Times Bestsellers with close to 30 years of practice under his belt, has an herbal oils directory list on his website that provides you with the A-Z’s of the health and healing properties of many common oils. Essential oils are a concentrated version of herbal oils and he includes references to both in the directory.
The Huffington Post wrote an article last year that also describes the benefits of oils, referencing scientific research and studies that back up the claims.
There are also numerous testimonials that can be found on the web where people in all walks of life describe the benefits they have received, too many for me to list here.
The above are just a few of the readings that gave me a greater sense of peace and confidence that I am making a decision that is right for me.
As with anything else, I would encourage you to do your own research before embarking on oils so that you can be aware of possible side effects and make an informed decision. For example, it’s well known that those who are pregnant and toddlers under the age of 2 should proceed with extreme caution.
Should you decide to go ahead and try oils, I’d recommend you go for the highest quality oil out there to ensure that you are getting the maximum benefit versus using a lower grade version that is full of additives, many of which may not be listed on the bottle.
Until things change, and new substantiated contradictory information is released, I know I will continue to use essential oils to maintain and maximize my health and well-being for both today and into the future. While I still keep more traditional and/or prescribed medication in the household, I feel oils are natural way of supplementing what I am already doing in many areas of my life. The results I’ve achieved speak for themselves.
I know this is a lot of information to take in and if you’ve read it this far I congratulate you!
If you are already using oils I’d love to hear what your experience has been like. I’m always open to learning from others.
I’d also encourage you to reply back to me should you have any questions or would like more information on where I buy my oils, further details on what I’ve found that has worked for me or if you would like me to share additional links to resources that I used in my research.
I wish everyone a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter to all who celebrate the holiday.
I have a friend that was hit by a car in Nov 2016 and have heard of essential oils. The oils have worked for my vertigo and was wondering if the would help my friend Lori.
Hello, I have found them to be helpful, however, am not an expert in this field so realize my view is a bit subjective. If you have experienced positive benefits from their use than I would encourage you to have her try them. She has nothing to lose and everything to gain! I wish her all the best. Denise
How do you use the Frankincense and BrainPower oils? Do you ingest them? Apply them to the skin? If so, where? And how often?
Thank you for any further insight you can provide on how to use the oils!
When I was using them I put a drop on my neck stem and a drop on my scalp. Good luck!